Sometimes I feel like I have multiple personalities, just like in the movie "Black Swan" which by the way is the most disgusting movie I have ever seen. my heart and mind doesn't behave coherent, do you know what I mean? When I face a bad situation like if someone asks for help, my mind says "Go to hell, why would I help you, what's the point" whereas on the other hand, my real personality says "Of course I will, what goes around comes back around", I struggle with my mind, but my good side overcomes mostly(98%). But, I cannot make my mind stop talking, it's so stubborn that it never listens to anybody but itself, that's why I am having a hard time changing the way I think and feel. Here's an example, sometimes I sleep and when I wake up, I start remembering some scenes that I don't remember doing it, just like when you're hangover and the pieces of the puzzle come together, but in a different way. Another case happened two days ago, normally my alarm is at 6.30, at 6.29 on that morning, I literally heard someone saying wake up, and saw her face, it's just a bit blurry, when I woke up, in 3 seconds the alarm went off and there was nobody near me, creepy right?
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